Basic & Econometrics - OLS via Stochastic Gradient Descent

3 minute read

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from random import seed, random, gauss
import statsmodels.api as sm

/Users/manguito/.virtualenvs/myEnv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/ FutureWarning: The Panel class is removed from pandas. Accessing it from the top-level namespace will also be removed in the next version
  data_klasses = (pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Panel)

OLS with Stochastic Gradient Descent

# Generate data
n = 100
X = 2.5 * np.random.randn(n) + 1.5   # Array of n values with mean = 1.5, stddev = 2.5
res = 0.5 * np.random.randn(n)       # Generate n residual terms
y = 2 + 0.3 * X + res                  # Actual values of Y

# Create pandas dataframe to store our X and y values
df = pd.DataFrame(
    {'X': X,
     'y': y}

# Show the first five rows of our dataframe
X y
0 5.910131 4.714615
1 2.500393 2.076238
2 3.946845 2.548811
3 7.102233 4.615368
4 6.168895 3.264107
# Calculate the mean of X and y
xmean = np.mean(X)
ymean = np.mean(y)

# Calculate the terms needed for the numator and denominator of beta
df['xycov'] = (df['X'] - xmean) * (df['y'] - ymean)
df['xvar'] = (df['X'] - xmean)**2

# Calculate beta and alpha
beta = df['xycov'].sum() / df['xvar'].sum()
alpha = ymean - (beta * xmean)
print(f'alpha = {alpha}')
print(f'beta = {beta}')
alpha = 2.0031670124623426
beta = 0.3229396867092763
ypred = alpha + beta * X

# Plot regression against actual data
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(X, ypred)     # regression line
plt.plot(X, y, 'ro')   # scatter plot showing actual data
plt.title('Actual vs Predicted')


# Make a prediction with coefficients
def predict(row, coefficients):
	yhat = coefficients[0]
	for i in range(len(row)-1):
		yhat += coefficients[i + 1] * row[i]
	return yhat
# Estimate linear regression coefficients using stochastic gradient descent
def coefficients_sgd(train, l_rate, n_epoch):
	coef = [0.0 for i in range(len(train[0]))]
	for epoch in range(n_epoch):
		sum_error = 0
		for row in train:
			yhat = predict(row, coef)
			error = yhat - row[-1]
			sum_error += error**2
			coef[0] = coef[0] - l_rate * error
			for i in range(len(row)-1):
				coef[i + 1] = coef[i + 1] - l_rate * error * row[i]
		print('>epoch=%d, lrate=%.3f, error=%.3f' % (epoch, l_rate, sum_error))
	return coef
# # Calculate coefficients
# dataset = [[1, 1], [2, 3], [4, 3], [3, 2], [5, 5]]
dataset = np.array(df[['X','y']])
l_rate = 0.001
n_epoch = 50
coef = coefficients_sgd(dataset, l_rate, n_epoch)
# df.head()
>epoch=0, lrate=0.001, error=468.733
>epoch=1, lrate=0.001, error=258.425
>epoch=2, lrate=0.001, error=206.738
>epoch=3, lrate=0.001, error=180.854
>epoch=4, lrate=0.001, error=160.966
>epoch=5, lrate=0.001, error=143.946
>epoch=6, lrate=0.001, error=129.113
>epoch=7, lrate=0.001, error=116.156
>epoch=8, lrate=0.001, error=104.837
>epoch=9, lrate=0.001, error=94.950
>epoch=10, lrate=0.001, error=86.314
>epoch=11, lrate=0.001, error=78.772
>epoch=12, lrate=0.001, error=72.184
>epoch=13, lrate=0.001, error=66.430
>epoch=14, lrate=0.001, error=61.404
>epoch=15, lrate=0.001, error=57.015
>epoch=16, lrate=0.001, error=53.181
>epoch=17, lrate=0.001, error=49.832
>epoch=18, lrate=0.001, error=46.907
>epoch=19, lrate=0.001, error=44.352
>epoch=20, lrate=0.001, error=42.120
>epoch=21, lrate=0.001, error=40.171
>epoch=22, lrate=0.001, error=38.468
>epoch=23, lrate=0.001, error=36.980
>epoch=24, lrate=0.001, error=35.681
>epoch=25, lrate=0.001, error=34.545
>epoch=26, lrate=0.001, error=33.554
>epoch=27, lrate=0.001, error=32.687
>epoch=28, lrate=0.001, error=31.930
>epoch=29, lrate=0.001, error=31.269
>epoch=30, lrate=0.001, error=30.691
>epoch=31, lrate=0.001, error=30.186
>epoch=32, lrate=0.001, error=29.745
>epoch=33, lrate=0.001, error=29.359
>epoch=34, lrate=0.001, error=29.022
>epoch=35, lrate=0.001, error=28.728
>epoch=36, lrate=0.001, error=28.471
>epoch=37, lrate=0.001, error=28.246
>epoch=38, lrate=0.001, error=28.049
>epoch=39, lrate=0.001, error=27.877
>epoch=40, lrate=0.001, error=27.727
>epoch=41, lrate=0.001, error=27.596
>epoch=42, lrate=0.001, error=27.481
>epoch=43, lrate=0.001, error=27.381
>epoch=44, lrate=0.001, error=27.293
>epoch=45, lrate=0.001, error=27.216
>epoch=46, lrate=0.001, error=27.149
>epoch=47, lrate=0.001, error=27.090
>epoch=48, lrate=0.001, error=27.039
>epoch=49, lrate=0.001, error=26.994
[1.9381705148304995, 0.335948469233473]

Compare to coefficient estimates from statsmodels

mod = sm.OLS(df.y,sm.add_constant(df['X']))
res =
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.715
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.712
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 245.5
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 1.93e-28
Time: 15:28:41 Log-Likelihood: -75.359
No. Observations: 100 AIC: 154.7
Df Residuals: 98 BIC: 159.9
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 2.0032 0.062 32.273 0.000 1.880 2.126
X 0.3229 0.021 15.669 0.000 0.282 0.364
Omnibus: 5.184 Durbin-Watson: 1.995
Prob(Omnibus): 0.075 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.000
Skew: 0.210 Prob(JB): 0.223
Kurtosis: 2.262 Cond. No. 3.73

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.