Basic & Econometrics - Spatial data - visualization

11 minute read

def point_inside_polygon(lat,lng,poly):
    p1 = Point(lng,lat)
    if p1.within(poly):
        return True
        return False
def get_neighbourhood(row,gdf):
    for ix, area in gdf.iterrows():
        if row['lat'] and row['lon'] and row['lat']!=0 and row['lon']!=0:
            is_in_area = point_inside_polygon(row['lat'], row['lon'], area['geometry'])
            if is_in_area:
                #found area, exit
                return area['name']
    return None
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
data_path = '../data/'
/Users/ida/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tqdm/ FutureWarning: The Panel class is removed from pandas. Accessing it from the top-level namespace will also be removed in the next version
  from pandas import Panel
def convert_columns_to_lowercase(df):
    df = df.rename(columns = {k:k.lower() for k in df.columns})
    return df
df_covid = pd.read_csv(data_path + 'COVID19_by_Neighborhood.csv')
df_covid = convert_columns_to_lowercase(df_covid)
renameDict = {'CERT':'cert1'}
df_covid = df_covid.rename(columns = renameDict)
{k:k.lower() for k in df_covid.columns}
{'FID': 'fid',
 'COMTY_NAME': 'comty_name',
 'cert1': 'cert1',
 'Shape_Leng': 'shape_leng',
 'Shape_Area': 'shape_area',
 'location': 'location',
 'cases': 'cases',
 'case_rate': 'case_rate',
 'deaths': 'deaths',
 'death_rate': 'death_rate',
 'Date': 'date',
 'Shape__Area': 'shape__area',
 'Shape__Length': 'shape__length'}
FID COMTY_NAME cert1 Shape_Leng Shape_Area location cases case_rate deaths death_rate Date Shape__Area Shape__Length
0 1 SYLMAR yes 111633.753407 3.404014e+08 SYLMAR 14535 17640 184 223 2021/01/30 4.647324e+07 41236.137343
1 2 GRANADA HILLS yes 89564.685903 4.264128e+08 GRANADA HILLS 5745 9873 137 235 2021/01/30 5.818514e+07 33094.502125
2 3 PORTER RANCH yes 73616.951350 2.267371e+08 PORTER RANCH 2140 6013 23 65 2021/01/30 3.093173e+07 27183.552463
3 4 LAKEVIEW TERRACE yes 75477.956189 1.448471e+08 LAKEVIEW TERRACE 2116 16112 30 228 2021/01/30 1.975813e+07 27863.458449
4 5 MISSION HILLS yes 50728.509850 1.061586e+08 MISSION HILLS 3848 15951 96 398 2021/01/30 1.447757e+07 18746.395093
cd ../data/LA_Times_Neighborhood_Boundaries-shp
gdf = gpd.read_file(data_path + 'LA_Times_Neighborhood_Boundaries-shp/cfbcc20d-2c5d-4c30-9dfa-627d46ec1a742020328-1-9ulknm.pzqsm.shp')
gdf = convert_columns_to_lowercase(gdf)
objectid name geometry
0 1 Adams-Normandie POLYGON ((-118.30069 34.03731, -118.30388 34.0...
1 2 Arleta POLYGON ((-118.44255 34.26412, -118.44240 34.2...
2 3 Arlington Heights POLYGON ((-118.31862 34.05306, -118.31673 34.0...
3 4 Atwater Village MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.27886 34.15321, -118.2788...
4 5 Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw POLYGON ((-118.36102 34.02532, -118.36026 34.0...
gdf.plot(figsize = (10,10))


df_crime = pd.read_csv(data_path + 'Crime_Data_from_2020_to_Present.csv')
df_crime = convert_columns_to_lowercase(df_crime)
dr_no date rptd date occ time occ area area name rpt dist no part 1-2 crm cd crm cd desc mocodes vict age vict sex vict descent premis cd premis desc weapon used cd weapon desc status status desc crm cd 1 crm cd 2 crm cd 3 crm cd 4 location cross street lat lon
0 10304468 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 2230 3 Southwest 377 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0444 0913 36 F B 501.0 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 400.0 STRONG-ARM (HANDS, FIST, FEET OR BODILY FORCE) AO Adult Other 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 1100 W 39TH PL NaN 34.0141 -118.2978
1 190101086 01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 330 1 Central 163 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0416 1822 1414 25 M H 102.0 SIDEWALK 500.0 UNKNOWN WEAPON/OTHER WEAPON IC Invest Cont 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 S HILL ST NaN 34.0459 -118.2545
2 201220752 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 1230 12 77th Street 1259 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 2004 1820 0913 0329 1202 62 M B 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 E 73RD ST NaN 33.9739 -118.2630
3 191501505 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 1730 15 N Hollywood 1543 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 0329 1402 76 F W 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 998.0 NaN NaN 5400 CORTEEN PL NaN 34.1685 -118.4019
4 191921269 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 415 19 Mission 1998 2 740 VANDALISM - FELONY ($400 & OVER, ALL CHURCH VA... 0329 31 X X 409.0 BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 740.0 NaN NaN NaN 14400 TITUS ST NaN 34.2198 -118.4468
def sum_coordinates(row):
    return row['lat']+ row['lon']
df_crime['sumcoord'] = df_crime.apply(lambda row: sum_coordinates(row),axis = 1)
dr_no date rptd date occ time occ area area name rpt dist no part 1-2 crm cd crm cd desc mocodes vict age vict sex vict descent premis cd premis desc weapon used cd weapon desc status status desc crm cd 1 crm cd 2 crm cd 3 crm cd 4 location cross street lat lon sumcoord
0 10304468 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 2230 3 Southwest 377 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0444 0913 36 F B 501.0 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 400.0 STRONG-ARM (HANDS, FIST, FEET OR BODILY FORCE) AO Adult Other 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 1100 W 39TH PL NaN 34.0141 -118.2978 -84.2837
1 190101086 01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 330 1 Central 163 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0416 1822 1414 25 M H 102.0 SIDEWALK 500.0 UNKNOWN WEAPON/OTHER WEAPON IC Invest Cont 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 S HILL ST NaN 34.0459 -118.2545 -84.2086
2 201220752 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 1230 12 77th Street 1259 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 2004 1820 0913 0329 1202 62 M B 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 E 73RD ST NaN 33.9739 -118.2630 -84.2891
3 191501505 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 1730 15 N Hollywood 1543 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 0329 1402 76 F W 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 998.0 NaN NaN 5400 CORTEEN PL NaN 34.1685 -118.4019 -84.2334
4 191921269 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 415 19 Mission 1998 2 740 VANDALISM - FELONY ($400 & OVER, ALL CHURCH VA... 0329 31 X X 409.0 BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 740.0 NaN NaN NaN 14400 TITUS ST NaN 34.2198 -118.4468 -84.2270

dfc = df_crime.head(10000) # sample 10,0000
def point_inside_polygon(lat,lng,poly):
    p1 = Point(lng,lat)
    if p1.within(poly):
        return True
        return False
def get_neighbourhood(row,gdf):
    for ix, area in gdf.iterrows(): # geometry df
        if row['lat'] and row['lon'] and row['lat']!=0 and row['lon']!=0:
            is_in_area = point_inside_polygon(row['lat'], row['lon'], area['geometry'])
            if is_in_area:
                #found area, exit
                return area['name']
    return None
dfc['name'] = dfc.progress_apply(lambda row: get_neighbourhood(row,gdf), axis = 1)

100%|██████████| 10000/10000 [01:30<00:00, 110.39it/s]
<ipython-input-33-5acc60d73ec9>:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  dfc['name'] = dfc.progress_apply(lambda row: get_neighbourhood(row,gdf), axis = 1)
dr_no date rptd date occ time occ area area name rpt dist no part 1-2 crm cd crm cd desc mocodes vict age vict sex vict descent premis cd premis desc weapon used cd weapon desc status status desc crm cd 1 crm cd 2 crm cd 3 crm cd 4 location cross street lat lon name
0 10304468 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM 2230 3 Southwest 377 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0444 0913 36 F B 501.0 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 400.0 STRONG-ARM (HANDS, FIST, FEET OR BODILY FORCE) AO Adult Other 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 1100 W 39TH PL NaN 34.0141 -118.2978 Exposition Park
1 190101086 01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 330 1 Central 163 2 624 BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT 0416 1822 1414 25 M H 102.0 SIDEWALK 500.0 UNKNOWN WEAPON/OTHER WEAPON IC Invest Cont 624.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 S HILL ST NaN 34.0459 -118.2545 Downtown
2 201220752 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 09/16/2020 12:00:00 AM 1230 12 77th Street 1259 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 2004 1820 0913 0329 1202 62 M B 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 NaN NaN NaN 700 E 73RD ST NaN 33.9739 -118.2630 Florence
3 191501505 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 1730 15 N Hollywood 1543 2 745 VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER) 0329 1402 76 F W 502.0 MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC) NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 745.0 998.0 NaN NaN 5400 CORTEEN PL NaN 34.1685 -118.4019 Valley Village
4 191921269 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM 415 19 Mission 1998 2 740 VANDALISM - FELONY ($400 & OVER, ALL CHURCH VA... 0329 31 X X 409.0 BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE NaN NaN IC Invest Cont 740.0 NaN NaN NaN 14400 TITUS ST NaN 34.2198 -118.4468 Panorama City
crime_counts = dfc[['name','dr_no']].groupby('name').count().reset_index().rename(columns = {'dr_no':'n'})
name n
0 Adams-Normandie 69
1 Arleta 4
2 Arlington Heights 57
3 Atwater Village 23
4 Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw 146
5 Bel-Air 14
6 Beverly Crest 23
7 Beverly Grove 198
8 Beverlywood 13
9 Boyle Heights 423
10 Brentwood 95
11 Broadway-Manchester 31
12 Canoga Park 27
13 Carthay 36
14 Central-Alameda 16
15 Century City 37
16 Chatsworth 17
17 Chesterfield Square 5
18 Cheviot Hills 21
19 Chinatown 93
20 Cypress Park 23
21 Del Rey 12
22 Downtown 1121
23 Eagle Rock 33
24 East Hollywood 216
25 Echo Park 140
26 El Sereno 152
27 Elysian Park 27
28 Elysian Valley 11
29 Encino 135
30 Exposition Park 194
31 Fairfax 146
32 Florence 31
33 Glassell Park 44
34 Gramercy Park 5
35 Granada Hills 12
36 Green Meadows 24
37 Griffith Park 15
38 Hancock Park 49
39 Hansen Dam 2
40 Harbor City 82
41 Harbor Gateway 94
42 Harvard Heights 11
43 Harvard Park 11
44 Highland Park 79
45 Historic South-Central 39
46 Hollywood 673
47 Hollywood Hills 81
48 Hollywood Hills West 56
49 Hyde Park 40
50 Jefferson Park 121
51 Koreatown 56
52 Lake Balboa 74
53 Lake View Terrace 5
54 Larchmont 6
55 Leimert Park 107
56 Lincoln Heights 109
57 Los Feliz 80
58 Manchester Square 6
59 Mar Vista 4
60 Mid-City 219
61 Mid-Wilshire 195
62 Mission Hills 8
63 Montecito Heights 40
64 Mount Washington 21
65 North Hills 26
66 North Hollywood 37
67 Northridge 27
68 Pacific Palisades 55
69 Pacoima 35
70 Palms 28
71 Panorama City 26
72 Pico-Robertson 65
73 Pico-Union 83
74 Playa Vista 3
75 Playa del Rey 2
76 Porter Ranch 2
77 Rancho Park 14
78 Reseda 268
79 San Pedro 288
80 Sawtelle 153
81 Sepulveda Basin 20
82 Shadow Hills 3
83 Sherman Oaks 258
84 Silver Lake 90
85 South Park 22
86 Studio City 24
87 Sun Valley 32
88 Sunland 6
89 Sylmar 28
90 Tarzana 164
91 Toluca Lake 6
92 Tujunga 9
93 University Park 157
94 Valley Glen 114
95 Valley Village 12
96 Van Nuys 492
97 Venice 29
98 Vermont Knolls 15
99 Vermont Square 135
100 Vermont Vista 17
101 Vermont-Slauson 24
102 Watts 17
103 West Adams 96
104 West Hills 11
105 West Los Angeles 69
106 Westchester 40
107 Westlake 544
108 Westwood 105
109 Wilmington 232
110 Windsor Square 8
111 Winnetka 15
112 Woodland Hills 27
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (30,30)) 
# gdf[gdf.location!='CENTRAL'].plot(ax = ax, color = 'blue')
# gdf[gdf.location=='CENTRAL'].plot(ax = ax, color = 'red')
gdf = gdf.merge(crime_counts,on = 'name',how = 'left')
objectid name geometry n
0 1 Adams-Normandie POLYGON ((-118.30069 34.03731, -118.30388 34.0... 69.0
1 2 Arleta POLYGON ((-118.44255 34.26412, -118.44240 34.2... 4.0
2 3 Arlington Heights POLYGON ((-118.31862 34.05306, -118.31673 34.0... 57.0
3 4 Atwater Village MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.27886 34.15321, -118.2788... 23.0
4 5 Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw POLYGON ((-118.36102 34.02532, -118.36026 34.0... 146.0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize = (15,15)) # create figure and axes for Matplotlib
ax.set_title('Crime counts by neighborhood',
            fontdict={'fontsize': '25', 'fontweight' : '3'})

vmin = gdf.n.min()
vmax = gdf.n.max()

gdf.plot(column = 'n',cmap = 'Greens',linewidth = 1, ax = ax, edgecolor = '.5')
# remove the axis

# Create colorbar legend
sm ='Greens', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))

# empty array for the data range

#add colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(sm)

# Add location for the labels
gdf['coords'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.representative_point().coords[:])
gdf['coords'] = [coords[0] for coords in gdf['coords']]

# Display names 
for idx, row in gdf.iterrows():
    plt.annotate(s=row['name'], xy=row['coords'],horizontalalignment='center',fontsize=9,color = 'white')
<ipython-input-44-d2ef1ee917c5>:27: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The 's' parameter of annotate() has been renamed 'text' since Matplotlib 3.3; support for the old name will be dropped two minor releases later.
  plt.annotate(s=row['name'], xy=row['coords'],horizontalalignment='center',fontsize=9,color = 'white')


Matplotlib colormaps:

gdf2 = gpd.read_file(data_path + 'COVID19_by_Neighborhood-shp/COVID19_by_Neighborhood.shp')
gdf2 = convert_columns_to_lowercase(gdf2)

fid comty_name cert shape_leng shape_area location cases case_rate deaths death_rate date shape__are shape__len geometry
0 1 GRANADA HILLS yes 89564.685903 4.264128e+08 GRANADA HILLS 457 785 48 82 2020-06-18 5.818514e+07 33094.502125 POLYGON ((-118.54219 34.29860, -118.54084 34.2...
1 2 PORTER RANCH yes 73616.951350 2.267371e+08 PORTER RANCH 111 312 7 20 2020-06-18 3.093173e+07 27183.552463 POLYGON ((-118.59618 34.27462, -118.59377 34.2...
2 3 LAKEVIEW TERRACE yes 75477.956189 1.448471e+08 LAKEVIEW TERRACE 158 1203 4 30 2020-06-18 1.975813e+07 27863.458449 POLYGON ((-118.40834 34.28671, -118.40755 34.2...
3 4 MISSION HILLS yes 50728.509850 1.061586e+08 MISSION HILLS 214 887 10 41 2020-06-18 1.447757e+07 18746.395093 POLYGON ((-118.47067 34.29432, -118.46554 34.2...
4 5 ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST yes 92240.837542 1.458565e+08 ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST 1 2500 0 0 2020-06-18 1.989453e+07 34046.544055 POLYGON ((-118.33605 34.28250, -118.33494 34.2...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,figsize = (10,10)) # create figure and axes for Matplotlib
ax.set_title('Covid deaths by neighborhood',
            fontdict={'fontsize': '25', 'fontweight' : '3'})

vmin = gdf2.deaths.min()
vmax = gdf2.deaths.max()

gdf2.plot(column = 'deaths',cmap = 'viridis',linewidth = 1, ax = ax, edgecolor = '.5')
# remove the axis

# Create colorbar legend
sm ='viridis', norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax))

# empty array for the data range

#add colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(sm)

# Add location for the labels
gdf['coords'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda x: x.representative_point().coords[:])
gdf['coords'] = [coords[0] for coords in gdf['coords']]

# # Display names 
# for idx, row in gdf.iterrows():
#     plt.annotate(s=row['n'], xy=row['coords'],horizontalalignment='center',fontsize=9)


gdf2 = gdf2.merge(df_covid[['fid','cases','case_rate','deaths','death_rate']], on = 'fid')

Spatial joins using sjoin

1 to many mappings

d = {'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)